Saturday, August 15, 2009

Inspiration from Julie & Julia

If you have yet to see the movie "Julie & Julia" I highly suggest it. I went in with extremely low expectations, mostly because I hadn't seen any previews and the description I was given seemed quite dull. 5 minutes in and I was sitting there with the biggest grin on my face ready to burst into belly wrenching laughter at any minute. First, Julia Childs is a riot. I had never see her shows before the movie and had nothing to compare the acting to, but I must say she was portrayed PERFECTLY.

Anyway, the story is about a girl who is nearing her 30's and doesn't know what happened to her life. She had ambitions to be a writer and in the twist that is life she ended up working in a small cubicle being yelled at on the phone all day. Happy life eh? Well, one day she realized what made her truly happy... cooking! (Oh of course, why do we always find comfort in food...) So she set herself a goal and decided to cook every recipe in the Julia Childs cook book (some 500 pluse recipes) in 365 days. She started a blog and slowly got quite the following. Anyway, in the end her blog was a huge success and she ended up writing a book about it and that book was turned into the movie I watched.

Okay, so I know I'm no fabulous writer. Half the time I reread my sentences and try to figure out where my brain was going and how the one before it was supposed to somehow connect! Reguardless, my inspiration from the movie was all about this blogging thing. I'm not wanting to create some big following or anything, but I think it would be fun to have some goal to blog about. I have been a slacker at blogging because, quite frankly, I don't think many of my adventures are things people would actually want to read about.

So the countdown is on... what should my next goal be, and how do I blog about it. First thought? Lose weight. I'm 3/4 through a P90X regime right now so timing is off. Anyone have any other suggestions? Maybe I should learn to sew, or learn a language or cook! (Brian would be pleased with the last one I'm sure, however, I can see it countering my weight loss goals...)

Anyway, I'm an open suggestion box. Anybody have some good ideas for my new goals in life??